Nature restoration no substitute for cutting fossil fuels

Restoring degraded environments, such as by planting trees, is often touted as a solution to the climate crisis. But our new research shows this, while important, is no substitute for preventing fossil fuel emissions to limit ...

Chinese scientists help Africa combat land degradation

Chinese scientists released an online tool, the Great Green Wall Big Data Facilitator, to help African countries combat increasingly severe land degradation on June 16, the 28th World Day to Combat Desertification & Drought.

Brazil pledges higher greenhouse emissions cuts

The government of Brazil, much criticized for its environmental policies, said Monday it would cut 2005-level greenhouse gas emissions in half by 2030—up from a previous pledge of 43 percent.

Study looks at how land acquisitions affect climate change

In 2007, an increase in world food prices led to a global rush for land in the form of land grabs or large-scale land acquisitions. Over the last two decades, such acquisitions have resulted in millions of hectares of land ...

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