Intelligence in the abyss

Would you dive into a body of water populated by about 150 robots? That's what could happen if you were to fall off a "gondola" in the Venice lagoon, where scientists from an initiative of seven European research institutes, ...

NuSTAR arrives at island launch site

( -- NASA's Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array, or NuSTAR, and its rocket flew above the palm trees to arrive at their launch location at the U.S. Army's Reagan test site at Kwajalein Atoll. Kwajalein, located ...

Entangled gray whale off Calif. freed after chase

(AP) -- A migrating gray whale with debris wrapped around its tail was finally freed after rescuers in a small boat chased it along the Southern California coast so they could cut away the fishing traps and lines.

Albania's pelicans return to their lagoon 'kingdom'

With feathers on its head that make it look like it is wearing a wig, it does not go unnoticed—the Dalmatian pelican is back with a flourish in the Divjaka Lagoon in western Albania.

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