Life on the edge in the quantum world

Quantum physics sets the laws that dominate the universe at a small scale. The ability to harness quantum phenomena could lead to machines like quantum computers, which are predicted to perform certain calculations much faster ...

Using stellar 'twins' to reach the outer limits of the galaxy

Astronomers from the University of Cambridge have developed a new, highly accurate method of measuring the distances between stars, which could be used to measure the size of the galaxy, enabling greater understanding of ...

Cosmology standard candle not so standard after all

( -- Astronomers have turned up the first direct proof that "standard candles" used to illuminate the size of the universe, termed Cepheids, shrink in mass, making them not quite as standard as once thought. The ...

Climbing the ladder to life detection

In the past two decades, NASA spacecraft have identified potentially habitable environments throughout the solar system and beyond. Spacecraft on Mars have found evidence that lakes and streams once covered the planet, protected ...

Uncovering spin ladders in real chemical compounds

When fabricated in one or two dimensions, systems of particles whose quantum spins interact with each other can display some unique quantum properties. Through new research published in The European Physical Journal B, Asif ...

Career differences main driver of wage inequality

Why does a 55-year-old worker earn on average around 40 percent more than a 25-year-old? Is there a link between average wage growth and rising wage inequality? Many answers to these fundamental questions have so far remained ...

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