Scientists to develop tougher plastics from plants

Scientists at the University of Bath and Tel Aviv University are working on a new project to improve the properties of plastics made from plants so that they can be used in a wider variety of products, from bottles to clothes.

Researchers aim to get upstream on antibiotic resistance

The battle against antibiotic-resistant bacteria has taken to the high seas as a team of University of Alberta researchers received funding from the federal government to look at alternatives for fighting infection in salmon ...

Chance determines cell death or normal sugar consumption

Some cells fail by chance, and not due to a genetic defect, to properly initiate the molecular processes for the breakdown of sugar. These cells are unable to grow and subsequently die. This discovery was done by a multidisciplinary ...

Biologist improves carp growth with lactic acid

A RUDN University biologist and colleagues from Iran found that adding lactic acid to carp feed improves the growth and health of the fish. The authors selected the optimal concentration of the feed additive. It will help ...

Bacteria from bees possible alternative to antibiotics

Raw honey has been used against infections for millennia, before honey - as we now know it - was manufactured and sold in stores. So what is the key to its' antimicrobial properties? Researchers at Lund University in Sweden ...

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