Discovery of 'helical molecular glue'

Hideto Tsuji, professor in Toyohashi University of Technology, and his colleagues have made a world-first discovery of 'molecular glue' action of a counterclockwise-helical molecule to glue two structurally-different clockwise-helical ...

Antibiotic residues in sausage meat may promote pathogen survival

Antibiotic residues in uncured pepperoni or salami meat are potent enough to weaken helpful bacteria that processors add to acidify the sausage to make it safe for consumption, according to a study to be published in mBio, ...

Micro delivery service for fertilizers

Plants can absorb nutrients through their leaves as well as their roots. However, foliar fertilization over an extended period is difficult. In the journal Angewandte Chemie, German researchers have now introduced an efficient ...

Development of bacteriocins from dairy wastes

Scientists are investigating the potential of microbial chemical weapons for use in various industries, such as horticulture, the food industry, veterinary medicine, and even in cancer treatment. A new promising source for ...

Detecting small metallic contaminants in food via magnetization

The detection of metallic contaminants in foods is important for our health and safety. However, existing inspection methods have limitations. For instance, the X-ray radiation method cannot detect contaminants with sizes ...

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