Unique strain of lactic acid bacteria in Buryat milk is found

Scientists from the Microbiology Department of the Faculty of Biology of the Lomonosov Moscow State University have discovered a new strain of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) that could be promising as a biopreservative for food ...

Re-thinking waste from yogurt production

It takes four kilograms of milk to make just one kilogram of Greek yogurt. That means a lot of natural nutrients from milk are not readily being captured and Australians consume a lot of Greek yogurt.

Gourmet meals are filled with bacteria – and they taste delicious

When diners sat down at a recent gourmet experience held at the Harvey Nichols department store in Manchester, their food was filled with bacteria, fungus and mould. Far from being a public health hazard, this special five-course ...

Study of crabs suggests they are capable of feeling pain

(Phys.org)—A pair of researchers with Queen's University in the U.K. has found via testing, that contrary to conventional thinking, crabs appear to be capable of feeling pain. In their paper published in the journal Biology ...

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