Bionanotechnology has new face, world-class future

Imagine the marriage of hard metals or semiconductors to soft organic or biological products. Picture the strange, wonderful offspring -- hybrid materials never conceived by Mother Nature.

Radical research changes lab-on-a-chip design

( -- A University of Alberta mechanical engineering professor has developed a new model that could revolutionize the design of hand-held devices that provide reliable, nearly instant medical or environmental tests.

Laser adds extra dimension to lab-on-chip

( -- A European research project has shown how to build optical sensors directly into the structure of labs-on-chips. The breakthrough paves the way for on-the-spot medical diagnostics.

Reliable Home Fertility Test in Sight

( -- A new 'fertility chip', developed by researchers at the University of Twente’s MESA+ Institute for Nanotechnology (The Netherlands), can accurately count spermatozoa in sperm. This is an important step ...

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