Seven common myths about quantum physics

I have been popularising quantum physics, my area of research, for many years now. The general public finds the topic fascinating and covers of books and magazines often draw on its mystery. A number of misconceptions have ...

Video: The krill factor in ocean mixing

Scientists have long chalked up ocean mixing of salt, heat, nutrients and gases, such as oxygen and carbon dioxide, to wind and tides. New research is investigating another possible contributor: krill. Mixing ocean water ...

Parasites inside your body could be protecting you from disease

It's fair to say parasites are generally bad for their hosts. Many cause disease and death so, like most species, we humans usually try to avoid infection at all costs. But it turns out that some parasites, although potentially ...

Lab experiment demonstrates form of musical evolution

(—A trio of researchers has conducted an experiment that they claim demonstrates musical evolution in the lab. In their paper published in the journal Nature Human Behavior, Andrea Ravignani with the University ...

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