Two koalas die in a month at Belgian zoo

Two of the three koalas at a top Belgian zoo have died in the space of a month, officials said Tuesday while rejecting fears of an "epidemic" among the Australian marsupials.

Ancient virus defends koalas against new viral attacks

The human genome is riddled with endogenous retroviruses—little pieces of degraded and generally harmless retrovirus DNA passed down through the generations, along with our own genetic information. Because most endogenous ...

Australian scientists crack the genetic code of koalas

A team of Australian and international scientists, led by Professor Rebecca Johnson, Director of the Australian Museum Research Institute and Professor Katherine Belov, University of Sydney, have made a significant break-through ...

Australia pledges cash to help save the koala

Australia unveiled on Monday a US$34 million plan to help bring its koala population back from the brink, following a rapid decline in the furry marsupial's fortunes.

Treating koalas for chlamydia alters gut microbes

Koalas are one of Australia's iconic animals, but they have been hard hit by an epidemic of Chlamydia infections contributing to a steep decline in numbers. Sick koalas brought to wildlife hospitals may be treated with antibiotics ...

Iconic river red gums threatened by rising CO2 levels

Australia's iconic and most widespread tree species the river red gum is under serious threat by rising CO2 levels and their survival may depend on curbing carbon emissions, a study led by The Australian National University ...

Cars and chlamydia killing Queensland koalas

Cars and chlamydia were the top causes of a dramatic rise in south-east Queensland koala deaths over the past two decades, according to a new University of Queensland-led study.

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