Typhoon Kong-rey Moving through northwestern Pacific

At 11 am EDT (1500 UTC) on Oct 1 , Kong-rey was located near 16.8 north and 134.4 east, about 488 miles north-northwest of Yap. It was moving to the northwest and had maximum sustained winds near 125 knots gusting to 150 ...

The periodic motion of flexible knots, and the connection to DNA

Can the topology of microobjects influence the way they move in a fluid? Experiments and simulations of Polish and Swiss researchers published in the Physical Review Letters show that the dynamics of elastic chains settling ...

Image: Hubble's galaxies with knots, bursts

In the northern constellation of Coma Berenices (Berenice's Hair) lies the impressive Coma Cluster— a structure of over a thousand galaxies bound together by gravity. Many of these galaxies are elliptical types, as is ...

NASA sees Tropical Storm 27W moving through Luzon Strait

NASA's Aqua satellite passed over the Luzon Strait and captured a visible image of the latest tropical storm to form in the Northwestern Pacific Ocean, Tropical Storm 27W. 27W is expected to be renamed Tropical Storm Barijat.

Math shows how DNA twists, turns and unzips

If you've ever seen a picture of a DNA molecule, you probably saw it in its famous B-form: two strands coiling around each other in a right-handed fashion to form a double helix. But did you know that DNA can change its shape?

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