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Amazon's 3G Kindle leaps 'Great Firewall of China'

Amazon's Kindle 3G e-reader is being snapped up on China's grey market as it has an extra special advantage for customers -- it automatically leaps the so-called "Great Firewall" of state web censorship.

Kindle e-reader cheaper with on-screen ads

US online retail powerhouse Amazon on Monday introduced a cut-price version of its Kindle electronic reader that features on-screen ads.

Amazon 3Q profit jumps 16 percent, but costs rise

(AP) -- Inc. saw earnings grow in the third quarter as shoppers bought more goods and services, yet costs also rose because the company is having to build new centers to fulfill those orders. Shares fell in extended ...

Can e-readers still compete with the iPad?

When Apple Inc. launched its touch-screen tablet device known as the iPad earlier this month, some analysts began ringing the death knell for so-called e-readers -- most notably, the popular Amazon Kindle.

Most US publications have mobile presence

Almost all major US newspapers and magazines have a mobile Web presence, and most of those without one will create one in the coming months, an industry survey showed Monday.

Amazon seeks short works for 'Kindle Singles'

Amazon called on writers and publishers on Tuesday to submit short works to a new section of the US online retail giant's electronic bookstore called "Kindle Singles."

Steve Jobs biography Amazon's top seller for 2011

A biography of the late Apple co-founder Steve Jobs was Amazon's best-selling book this year despite hitting store shelves and electronic readers only in late October, Amazon said Monday.

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