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Amazon to release free Kindle software for PC

(AP) -- Inc. is trying to get more people to buy the electronic books that are compatible with its Kindle gadget by offering free software for people to read them on a computer.

Amazon looking to go 'mass market' with Kindle price cut

Amazon, by slashing the price of the Kindle, is hoping to turn its electronic book reader into a device with mass market appeal, one for "serious readers" distinct from Apple's multi-purpose iPad.

The latest craze: Free e-books offerings

(AP) -- James Patterson's latest best seller, "The Angel Experiment," is a little different from his usual hits. The novel isn't new; it came out four years ago. Its sales aren't happening at bookstores, but mostly on the ...

Amazon delivers Kindle books to PCs on Tuesday released free software that lets people read the online retail titan's electronic Kindle books on personal computers.

Schools shun Kindle, saying blind can't use it

(AP) -- Amazon's Kindle can read books aloud, but if you're blind it can be difficult to turn that function on without help. Now two universities say they will shun the device until Amazon changes the setup.

New e-book reader to use AT&T network

(AP) -- Following in the footsteps of Inc.'s Kindle, another e-book reader is set to get a wireless connection from a cellular carrier, letting it access books anywhere there's a signal.

Amazon to allow libraries to lend Kindle books

Amazon said Wednesday that Kindle owners will be able to borrow books for the electronic book readers from more than 11,000 US public libraries later this year.

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