Starting kindergarten on the right foot

Everything you ever really needed to know you learned back in kindergarten—that old saying gets some scientific support in a new study by researchers at Canada's Université de Montréal and Université Sainte-Anne.

Screening kindergarten readiness

Starting kindergarten can be a challenging time for children as many are leaving home and learning to interact with others for the first time. As such, it is important for kindergartners to receive proper support from their ...

Science achievement gaps begin by kindergarten

Large science achievement gaps at the end of eighth grade between white and racial/ethnic minority children and between children from higher- and lower-income families are rooted in large yet modifiable general knowledge ...

Even as two-year-olds, girls are more independent and sociable

Girls of two and a half years of age are more capable of feeding and dressing themselves, they are better at participating in circle time in kindergarten, and they are out of nappies earlier than boys of the same age. This ...

Researchers find that kindergarten is the new first grade

( —Kindergarten classrooms nationwide have changed dramatically since the late 1990s and nearly all of these changes are in the direction of a heightened focus on academics, particularly literacy, according to ...

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