Cryo-EM study yields new clues to chicken pox infection

Despite decades of study, exactly how herpesviruses invade our cells remains something of a mystery. Now researchers studying one herpesvirus, the varicella zoster virus (VZV) that causes chicken pox, may have found an important ...

Scientists investigate epigenetic impact across whole genome

All life depends on a genome, which acts as an instruction manual for building all the products essential for development and survival. But knowing which of these individual instructions—or genes—need to be read, and ...

Snake-like proteins can wrangle DNA

It turns out the coiled snakes often used to symbolize medical knowledge are more than apt. They also mimic a key to life itself.

Elusive cancer-related protein captured in flight

Scientists have for the first time seen how the MYC protein, which plays a central role in cancer, binds to a key protein and controls important functions in the cell. The study, published in Nature Structural and Molecular ...

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