Scientists work to plug microorganisms into the energy grid

The answer to the looming fuel crisis in the 21st century may be found by thinking small, microscopic in fact. Microscopic organisms from bacteria and cyanobacteria, to fungi and microalgae, are biological factories that ...

The amazing maze of maize evolution

Understanding the evolution and domestication of maize has been a holy grail for many researchers. As one of the most important crops worldwide and as a crop that appears very different from its wild relatives as a result ...

A new hazelnut has cracked its competitive marketplace

Researchers from Oregon State University have completed an examination of, and have released, a new cross-bred hazelnut cultivar known as 'PollyO', and they have discovered it to be a rising star of hazelnuts grown within ...

Essential oils help control fungus growth in Argentinian corn

Argentina is the second highest corn producing country in the world. But because of the slow drying process in corn kernels and wet weather conditions in Argentina, corn grown there can easily become infected with fungus. ...

Beneficial mold packaged in bioplastic

(—Aflatoxins are highly toxic carcinogens produced by several species of Aspergillus fungi. But not all Aspergillus produce aflatoxin. Some, in fact, are considered beneficial. One such strain, dubbed K49, is now ...

Study rewrites the history of corn in corn country

A new study contradicts decades of thought, research and teaching on the history of corn cultivation in the American Bottom, a floodplain of the Mississippi River in Illinois. The study refutes the notion that Indian corn, ...

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