Study highlights massive imbalances in global fertilizer use

( -- Synthetic fertilizers have dramatically increased food production worldwide. But the unintended costs to the environment and human health have been substantial. Nitrogen runoff from farms has contaminated ...

Kenya 'effectively' lifts ban on genetically modified crops

Kenya's new president says the Cabinet has "effectively" lifted the country's ban on openly cultivating genetically modified crops, reversing a decade-old decision as the East African country struggles with food security ...

Dead floppy drive: Kenya recycles global e-waste

In an industrial area outside Kenya's capital city, workers in hard hats and white masks take shiny new power drills to computer parts. This assembly line is not assembling, though. It is dismantling some of the estimated ...

Sharks more vulnerable than originally thought

A study of small-scale fisheries operating from Kenya, Zanzibar and Madagascar, has revealed the massive underreporting of sharks and rays caught annually in the region.

Kenya backs farming of Monsanto-created GM crop

Kenya has approved the cultivation a GM variety strand created by Monsanto, the president's office said, the first time such crops have been allowed in the dynamic East African economy.

Kenya sells first ever mobile government bonds

Kenya, a pioneer in mobile money, on Thursday began selling the first ever government bonds via mobile phone, allowing anyone from teachers to shop owners to invest and fund infrastructure projects.

Eyes on elephants as Google cameras snap Kenya reserve

For once, Google was unlikely to face privacy complaints as the US Internet giant on Tuesday launched its Street View service in Kenya's Samburu park, in a move conservationists said could help protect endangered elephants.

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