IRS: Won't use phone-tracking technology without warrant

Internal Revenue Service criminal investigators will not continue to use cellphone-tracking technology without first seeking a warrant, the IRS commissioner told Congress in a letter made public Tuesday.

Judge approves $415M settlement in Apple, Google wage case

A federal judge has approved a $415 million settlement that ends a lengthy legal saga revolving around allegations that Apple, Google and several other Silicon Valley companies illegally conspired to prevent their workers ...

Watch your step—forensics close in on footwear analysis

First it was your fingerprint that gave the game away and then DNA analysis transformed forensic science. But 'watch your step' because an expert in the School of Physics and Astronomy at The University of Nottingham has ...

Two sentenced to US prison for copyright piracy

Two members of an Internet piracy group were sentenced to prison Friday on charges stemming from unauthorized online distribution of first-run films, officials said.

US hacks iPhone, ends legal battle but questions linger (Update)

The extraordinary legal fight pitting the Obama administration against technology giant Apple Inc. ended unexpectedly after the FBI said it used a mysterious method without Apple's help to hack into a California mass shooter's ...

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