Switching from gas to electric stoves cuts indoor air pollution

Switching from a gas stove to an electric induction stove can reduce indoor nitrogen dioxide air pollution, a known health hazard, by more than 50 percent according to new research led by scientists at Columbia University ...

Crime expert promotes trauma-informed justice

Raising the minimum age of criminal responsibility from 10 to 14 years old in South Australia is an important step forwards in progressing the principles of trauma-informed justice systems, Flinders experts say.

Strengthening journalism careers in an age of mistrust

A new study by researchers from the University of Adelaide and several U.S. universities has found solutions journalism could play a part in re-engaging disenchanted media students, strengthening their reporting skills, and ...

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Justice is a concept of moral rightness based on ethics, rationality, law, natural law, religion, or equity, along with the punishment of the breach of said ethics; justice is the act of being just and/or fair.

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