Video: What are the Trojan asteroids?

What are the Trojan asteroids? These mysterious space rocks have been gravitationally trapped in Jupiter's orbit around the Sun for billions of years and hold clues to the formation of our solar system.

A crystal ball into our solar system's future

Astronomers have discovered the very first confirmed planetary system that resembles the expected fate of our solar system, when the Sun reaches the end of its life in about five billion years.

NASA spacecraft takes a picture of Jupiter … from the Moon

You may know the feeling of seeing Jupiter through your own telescope. If it gives you the chills—like it does for me—then you'll know how the team for the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter felt when they turned their spacecraft ...

View from Juno during its flyby of Ganymede and Jupiter

Visualizations shape how we perceive space exploration. Whether it's the Pale Blue Dot, the Hubble Ultra Deep Field, Earthrise, or any other myriad images captured as part of this great endeavor, they all help inspire the ...

Juice moves into Large Space Simulator

The Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer has moved into the "Large Space Simulator" at ESA's test center, ready for grueling environmental tests at a range of temperatures.

Comet 2019 LD2 (ATLAS) found to be actively transitioning

A comet discovered last year is offering scientists new insights into how these objects "turn on" and evolve, as it actually transitions out of the Centaur population and into the Jupiter Family of Comets (JFCs), according ...

Where were Jupiter and Saturn born?

New work led by Carnegie's Matt Clement reveals the likely original locations of Saturn and Jupiter. These findings refine our understanding of the forces that determined our Solar System's unusual architecture, including ...

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