Origin of domesticated chicken identified

A very large international team of researchers has identified the origin of the domesticated chicken. In their paper published in the journal Cell Research, the group outlines the extensive genetic study they conducted and ...

New species of lizard found in Australia

Scientists announced Monday the discovery of a new species of lizard fighting to survive among the sand dunes outside Perth in Western Australia.

Nearly 150 trafficked animals flown to Amazon freedom

A Colombian Air Force plane whose cargo hold looked more like the hull of Noah's Ark delivered nearly 150 trafficked animals back to the Amazon on Tuesday following months of rehabilitation.

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A Jungle (Sanskrit: जंगल) is an area of land in the tropics overgrown with dense vegetation.

The word jungle originates from the Sanskrit word jangala (जंगल) which referred to uncultivated land. Although the Sanskrit word refers to "dry land", it has been suggested that an Anglo-Indian interpretation led to its connotation as a dense "tangled thicket". while others have argued that a cognate word in Urdu did refer to forests. The term is prevalent in many languages of South Asia, and Iranian plateau, particularly in Bangla, Hindi, Marathi, Urdu, Punjabi and Persian.

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