Increasing sugar concentration in tomato juice

To increase the sugar concentration and resulting marketability of tomato juice, growers have traditionally used techniques such as subjecting plants to salt and water stresses. In a new study published in HortTechnology ...

Memo to big box retailers: Goodwill has a shelf life

Big box retailers may have had the secret to combatting online retailers all along: instant gratification. A new study from Columbia Business School that is published in the Journal of Consumer Research warns that the positive ...

Junk-free pizza, engineered to please taste buds

Food researchers are looking for new ways to reduce the sugar, fat or salt content in ready-made meals without using additives. But will consumers accept this new type of food?

Molecular modelling to help create better, safer drugs

( —How our bodies break down the common drugs ibuprofen, diclofenac and warfarin is the subject of a new study from the University of Bristol, published in the Journal of the American Chemical Society. The research ...

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