Diamond X-rays used to discover tooth decay enzymes

Scientists using Diamond Light Source have made a breakthrough in the battle against tooth decay, with research published in the leading Journal of Molecular Biology (JMB) on 29 April 2011.

Discus fish parent young like mammalian mothers

Few fish are famed for their parenting skills. Most species leave their freshly hatched fry to fend for themselves, but not discus fish. Jonathan Buckley from the University of Plymouth, UK, explains that discus fish young ...

Study: Progesterone leads to inflammation

Scientists at Michigan State University have found exposure to the hormone progesterone activates genes that trigger inflammation in the mammary gland.

Gauging the forces between cells

Cell-cell junctions are important for communication, transport, signalling, waste evacuation and water homeostasis. An European project has investigated how biophysical forces can influence the fulfilment of this vast range ...

Software speeds up molecular simulations

(PhysOrg.com) -- Whether vibrating in place or taking part in protein folding to ensure cells function properly, molecules are never still. Simulating molecular motions provides researchers with information critical to designing ...

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