Countries that best prepare math teachers share similarities

Countries that best prepare math teachers meet several key conditions generally lacking in the United States, according to the first international study of what teacher preparation programs are able to accomplish.

Senators ask feds to probe requests for passwords

(AP) -- Two U.S. senators are asking Attorney General Eric Holder to investigate whether employers asking for Facebook passwords during job interviews are violating federal law, their offices announced Sunday.

Apple CEO Tim Cook could top pay list in 2011

(AP) -- Tim Cook could well end up being the highest paid CEO in America in 2011, after Apple Inc. granted him a million restricted stock units last August for taking the reins shortly before co-founder Steve Jobs died.

Flexible schedule is key to keeping working moms on the job

Women who return to work after giving birth are more likely to stay on the job if they have greater control over their work schedules, according to a Baylor University study. Researchers also found that job security and the ...

Survey shows student job outlook, motivation changing

( -- It’s not your father’s job market. That’s the message a Maine Business School lecturer and researcher has discovered in surveys over the last few years of his students.

How to avoid employee depression in a recession

As employees become increasingly anxious about job security and financial worries during an economic recession, satisfaction with the job they have, commitment to their company and engagement with their work are all affected ...

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