Related topics: employees

Woes with iPhone 5 go beyond Maps

A week following the launch of the iPhone 5 and iOS 6, Apple CEO Tim Cook apologized for the company's imperfect new Maps app. But flawed maps haven't been the only issue to get some consumers worked up in the three weeks ...

Rise in worker happiness leads to an increase in productivity

A new report to be published on IZA World of Labor finds that a rise in workers' happiness leads to an increase in productivity; and companies would profit from investment in their employees' well-being, following research ...

Meditation for factory workers

If you are stuck in a highly repetitive, altogether routine job with no alternative employment options, then Scott Herriott of the Maharishi University of Management, in Fairfield, Iowa, suggests you take 20 minutes twice ...

Four-day working week 'more productive': UK study

A four-day working week is more productive for most staff and companies than the traditional five days, one of the biggest trials of its kind conducted in the UK reported on Tuesday.

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