Job-seeking Hungarian pleads guilty to hacking

A Hungarian man pleaded guilty Wednesday to hacking into the computer systems of the Marriott hotel chain and threatening to reveal confidential information unless he was given a job.

'Lost Interview' shows a younger, healthier Jobs

(AP) -- A recently discovered video copy of a 1995 interview with Steve Jobs shows the Apple co-founder at a healthier time, not long before he rejoined and revitalized the company.

Steve Jobs 'Lost Interview' coming to theaters

(AP) -- Fans of Apple co-founder Steve Jobs will get a chance to see previously unreleased interview footage of him when "Steve Jobs: The Lost Interview" hits theaters later this month.

Steve Jobs not always smooth-talking media star

Steve Jobs may have had newsmen eating out of his hand when presenting iconic Apple products in later life -- but he was not always so smooth a media performer, as some old TV footage shows.

What employers look for of those re-entering the workforce

Finding a job in today's economy is difficult in the best of circumstances, but many women are facing an even bigger challenge: returning to the workforce after a long absence. Researchers recently looked at the characteristics ...

Are good-looking people more employable?

The resumes of "attractive" males received a 19.9 percent response rate, nearly 50 percent higher than the 13.7 percent response rate for "plain" males and more than twice the 9.2 percent response rate of no-picture males. ...

Trusting people make better lie detectors

Trusting others may not make you a fool or a Pollyanna, according to a study in the current Social Psychological and Personality Science. Instead it can be a sign that you're smart.

Confidence key in gauging impressions we leave

( -- The gift of "seeing ourselves as others see us" is particularly beneficial when we judge how we’ve made a first impression - in a job interview, during a sales pitch, on a first date.

What's in a name? Perhaps more (or less) money

Before employers have a chance to judge job applicants on their merits, they may have already judged them on the sound of their names. According to a study published in the latest issue of the Journal of Labor Economics, ...

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