Study links gridlock to slow job growth

( -- Commuters well versed in the physical and psychological tolls of traffic congestion can now add an economic effect to the list. A new UC Irvine study found that places with sluggish commutes - usually an ...

How the pandemic has changed China's economy, perhaps for good

China was the first country to be affected by COVID-19 and took unprecedented lockdown measures that led to a historic decline in growth of at least 6% in 2020. But in 2021, the country has mounted a recovery and economic ...

Confidence falls, consumers view government as impediment to growth

Consumer confidence declined in October as consumers became convinced that the national government shutdown as well as other restrictions on federal spending would slow the overall pace of economic growth over the next several ...

Global panel to make economic case on climate change

Mexico's former president Felipe Calderon said that climate action can boost both developed and emerging countries as he led a new commission bringing together government and business leaders.

US economy: Steady as she goes

America's economy will hum along its path of moderate growth, adding 4.7 million jobs through the end of next year, say University of Michigan economists.

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