New discovery may help engineers design quieter jet airplanes

If you've ever experienced the exceptionally powerful and reverberating sounds of a jet during takeoff, you likely won't be surprised that the noise produced by jet engines is ranked among the loudest of human-generated noises.

Researchers seek to reduce ear-splitting jet engine noise

Have you ever had a fighter jet fly over your home and the noise of the aircraft booms loud enough to rattle the windows? Well, imagine working on an aircraft carrier or air base, up close to the engines as they take off ...

NRL researchers study ways to reduce jet aircraft noise

Advanced military jet aircraft have engines that provide the needed speed and maneuverability. However, with this greater power there is significant noise during takeoff and landing. The noise can impact the public and affect ...

The sublime challenge of jet noise

Humans make a lot of noise. The riffs of heavy metal bands like Metallica and Kiss have soared to levels in the 130-decibel range, levels sure to lead to auditory damage.