Related topics: teeth · fossil

Piranha tops T Rex in the bite league, study finds

Outsized jaw muscles allow the black piranha to exert bite force equivalent to 30 times its bodyweight, a feat unmatched in the natural world, according to results of a finger-risking study published Thursday.

Blue whales perform precise acrobatics while hunting (w/ video)

Massive blue whales perform 360° rolls in order to take in the largest possible volume of krill according to research published in Biology Letters today. Whales also roll over when searching for krill, enabling them to identify ...

Mexico finds 50 skulls in sacred Aztec temple

(AP)—Mexican archaeologists said Friday they uncovered the largest number of skulls ever found in one offering at the most sacred temple of the Aztec empire dating back more than 500 years.

New fanged dwarf dinosaur from southern Africa, ate plants

With tiny 1-inch long jaws, a new species of plant-eater has come to light in rocks in southern Africa dating to the early dinosaur era, some 200 million years ago. This "punk-sized" herbivore is one of a menagerie of bizarre, ...

Research shows rats have best bite of rodent world

Scientists at the University of Liverpool have found that mice and rats have evolved to gnaw with their front teeth and chew with their back teeth more successfully than rodents that 'specialise' in one or other of these ...

Scientists name two new species of horned dinosaur

Two new horned dinosaurs have been named based on fossils collected from Alberta, Canada. The new species, Unescopceratops koppelhusae and Gryphoceratops morrisoni, are from the Leptoceratopsidae family of horned dinosaurs. ...

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