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Judge hands Google victory in Oracle copyright fight

A federal judge on Thursday put a stake in the heart of Oracle's big-money lawsuit against Google by ruling that the application programming interfaces (APIs) at issue can't be copyrighted.

Jury deadlocks on key issue in Google-Oracle trial

A federal jury failed to agree on a pivotal issue in Oracle's copyright-infringement case against Google, blunting the impact of its finding that Google relied on another company's technology to build its popular Android ...

Oracle uses Sun to put heat on IBM, HP

Oracle chief executive Larry Ellison boasted that the acquisition of business computer equipment firm Sun Microsystems had helped turn up the heat on rivals IBM and Hewlett-Packard.

Java designer resigns from Oracle

Former Sun Microsystems technology executive James Gosling, designer of the popular Java computer programming language, has resigned following Sun's takeover by Oracle.

Brussels welcomes Oracle's concessions in Sun bid

The EU's competition watchdog on Monday welcomed concessions made by US business software giant Oracle over its bid for Sun Microsystems, saying the deal is now likely to be approved.

'Last Lecture' prof's program to be updated

(AP) -- Carnegie Mellon University will release an updated version of the animation-based software developed by late "last lecture" professor Randy Pausch to teach computer programming.

Indonesia picks Borneo island for new capital

Indonesia will move its capital to the eastern edge of jungle-clad Borneo island, President Joko Widodo said Monday, as the country shifts its political heart away from congested and sinking megalopolis Jakarta.

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