Geochemical detectives use lab mimicry to look back in time

New work from a research team led by Carnegie's Anat Shahar contains some unexpected findings about iron chemistry under high-pressure conditions, such as those likely found in the Earth's core, where iron predominates and ...

Water hidden in the Moon may have proto-Earth origin

Water found in ancient Moon rocks might have actually originated from the proto-Earth and even survived the Moon-forming event. Latest research into the amount of water within lunar rocks returned during the Apollo missions ...

Chemistry trick kills climate controversy

Volcanoes are well known for cooling the climate. But just how much and when has been a bone of contention among historians, glaciologists and archeologists. Now a team of atmosphere chemists, from the Tokyo Institute of ...

Cedar tree rings archive Amazon rainfall data

University of Leeds-led research has used tree rings from eight cedar trees in Bolivia to unlock a 100-year history of rainfall across the Amazon basin, which contains the world's largest river system.

Researchers develop method to fingerprint air pollution

A team of researchers from the University of Pittsburgh and the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) collected emissions samples from several power plant stacks in the United States and developed a unique method for detecting ...

Llama dung contributed to Inca success in the Andes

( -- The famous Inca city of Machu Picchu in the Peruvian Andes was rediscovered by American explorer Hiram Bingham in July 1911 and the area plans to hold a special 100 year celebration this year. However, the ...

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