Excess deuterium levels found in bones of marine mammals

Using a novel analytical technique developed at KI, the team of scientists led by Roman Zubarev found in seal bones twice as much deuterium as in sea water; extra deuterium cannot come from seals' diet.

Screening study identifies inhibitor of key COVID virus enzyme

When the COVID-19 pandemic hit, scientists across the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) national laboratory complex turned to the nation's most powerful supercomputers and other tools to discover molecules that might treat ...

'Heavy' hydrogen stabilizes drugs

Researchers at the University of Bonn have presented a method that allows the heavier hydrogen "brother" deuterium to be introduced specifically into many different molecules. The deuterated compounds obtained in this way ...

Deep mantle krypton reveals Earth's outer solar system ancestry

Krypton from the Earth's mantle, collected from geologic hot spots in Iceland and the Galapagos Islands, reveals a clearer picture of how our planet formed, according to new research from the University of California, Davis.

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