Philippine police arrest rare sea turtle poachers

Philippine police said Friday they had seized 70 dead hawksbill marine turtles, a critically endangered species illegally trafficked for its prized shell, and arrested two suspects.

Geckos and skinks back from the brink

Researchers from The University of Western Australia are supporting a new project to trial the release of critically endangered blue-tailed skinks into a wild enclosure.

Hot cities spell bad news for bees

A new study from North Carolina State University finds that common wild bee species decline as urban temperatures increase.

The world's largest canary

Biologists at Lund University, together with their colleagues from Portugal and the UK, have now proven that the endangered São Tomé grosbeak is the world's largest canary – 50 per cent larger than the runner-up.

Bat biodiversity is in danger on islands worldwide

A new study from the University of Helsinki investigates knowledge gaps among the largely unknown, but greatly threatened, group of island-restricted bats, and leads future research efforts to actual priorities. Island ecosystems, ...

Islands and coastal regions are threatened the most

Humans are responsible for the movement of an increasing number of species into new territories which they previously never inhabited. The number of established alien species varies according to world region. What was previously ...

Seed conservation in the remote South Atlantic

Islands have long held a fascination for scientists studying evolution and patterns of biodiversity, from Charles Darwin and Alfred Russell Wallace in the 19th century, to Robert MacArthur and E.O. Wilson in the 20th century, ...

Name sought for rare albino orangutan rescued in Indonesia

A conservation group is asking the public to name a rare albino orangutan that was rescued from villagers on Borneo island last month, hoping it will become a symbol of efforts to save the critically endangered species.

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