Related topics: water

Tomatoes of equal quality with less irrigation water

Researchers from the University of Seville have analyzed the impact of irrigation reduction on tomato crops. Their results show that deficit irrigation caused no significant changes in the commercial quality of the product ...

Can lithium cure what ails the Salton Sea?

Studying the complexity of mud on the ocean floor is a life's work for Timothy Lyons, so when the tall and lean biogeochemist asks you to join an expedition in search of chemical mysteries buried deep beneath the waves, be ...

Syria reservoir dries up for first time

Low rainfall, structural damage and extraction by struggling farmers have emptied a key reservoir in northwestern Syria, leaving it completely dry for the first time, farmers and officials told AFP.

Lava from Spanish island volcano rolls slowly toward the sea

Lava flowing from a volcano in Spain's Canary Islands picked up its pace on its way to the sea Tuesday, but scientists said it was impossible to estimate when the black-and-red stream of molten rock would reach the shore.

Coastal grape growers can use less water during drought

California grape growers in coastal areas can use less water during times of drought and cut irrigation levels without affecting crop yields or quality, according to a new study out of the University of California, Davis.

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