Study looks to iron from microbes for climate help

Distributing iron particles produced by bacteria could "fertilize" microscopic ocean plants and ultimately lower atmospheric carbon levels, according to a new paper in Frontiers.

Cleaning up oil using magnets

In the future, it could be possible to remove oil spills on the surface of the ocean by using magnets. An interdisciplinary group of researchers at Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU) led by Prof. Dr. ...

Hydrogen from water in iron nanotruss structures

Swedish researchers have discovered a new and efficient way to use electrocatalysis to produce hydrogen gas from water. Instead of using expensive and difficult-to-obtain platinum electrodes, the new method uses electrodes ...

Researchers study particulate matter in air samples

Current legal limits for fine dust in the air are based on the mass and size of the particles. For health effects, however, not only the amount of dust is decisive, but also its chemical composition. Empa researchers have ...

Magnetic liquids improve energy efficiency of buildings

Climate protection and the reduction of carbon dioxide emissions have been on top of global development agendas. Accordingly, research and development projects have been conducted on national and international levels, which ...

Video: Complex mass of solar plasma

A small, but complex mass of solar material gyrated and spun about over the course of 40 hours above the surface of the sun on Sept. 1-3, 2015. It was stretched and pulled back and forth by powerful magnetic forces in this ...

Airless space weathering duplicated in lab environment

Using laboratory instruments typically used to make semiconductor devices, space weathering of airless bodies in the Solar System has been simulated, allowing researchers to better determine the ages of their surfaces, states ...

Nanoparticles for controlled drug release

Scientists from CIC bioGUNE and the Laboratoire de Chimie des Polymères Organiques (LCPO) in Bordeaux have jointly undertaken a project to develop "smart" nanoparticles. These polymeric particles act as "nanomissiles" against ...

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