A systematic way to find battery materials

Lithium-ion batteries have become a leading energy source for everything from smartphones and laptops to power tools and electric cars, and researchers around the world are actively seeking ways to nudge their performance ...

Safe lithium batteries with a long service life

With the help of new materials and additional improvements, researchers at Siemens have managed to make lithium-ion batteries safer and extend their service life. As part of the joint research project Intrinsically Safe Battery ...

Structure of an iron-transport protein revealed

For the first time, the three dimensional structure of the protein that is essential for iron import into cells, has been elucidated. Biochemists of the University of Zurich have paved the way towards a better understanding ...

NREL bolsters batteries with nanotubes

Researchers at the Energy Department's National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) are turning to extremely tiny tubes and rods to boost power and durability in lithium-ion batteries, the energy sources for cell phones, laptops, ...

Sony to ship new 1.2kWh energy storage modules

Starting in the end of April 2011, Sony will begin volume shipments of energy storage modules that use rechargeable lithium-ion batteries made with olivine-type lithium-ion iron phosphate as the cathode material (hereafter ...

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