Iron 'fingerprints' point astronomers to supernova suspects

( —An international team of astronomers using data from the Japan-led Suzaku X-ray observatory has developed a powerful technique for analyzing supernova remnants, the expanding clouds of debris left behind when ...

Fluorine catch-and-attach process could boost drug efficiency

When it comes to chemical reactions, fluorine has a reputation as a 'magic bullet atom' for its ability to increase a drug's absorption and prolong its lifetime. However, traditional methods of adding it to compounds entail ...

New X-ray spectroscopy explores hydrogen-generating catalyst

Using a newly developed technique, researchers from Japan, Germany and the U.S. have identified a key step in production of hydrogen gas by a bacterial enzyme. Understanding these reactions could be important in developing ...

Atomically thick metal membranes

For the first time researchers have shown that freestanding metal membranes consisting of a single layer of atoms can be stable under ambient conditions. This result of an international research team from Germany, Poland ...

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