Related topics: iphone · apple

Review: IPad Mini both delights and disappoints

I have mixed feelings about the iPad Mini, Apple's new pint-size tablet. I like its featherweight design, solid-feeling case and access to the entire library of appliciations available for the full-sized iPad. From those ...

Britain gets first 4G mobile services

Britain's first super-fast 4G mobile Internet service was launched in 11 cities on Tuesday, allowing the kingdom to catch up with the global roll-out.

RIM says its new BlackBerry phone in testing

BlackBerry-maker Research In Motion said Wednesday that its much-delayed new smartphones are now being tested by 50 wireless carriers around the world.

Will Apple go for 'kill' with iPad Mini?

Just weeks after its momentous launch of the iPhone 5, Apple is back with what is expected to be another hot gadget— a "mini" version of its market-leading iPad tablet.

Japan's NEC revises up profit forecast

Japanese information technology firm NEC said Friday it has revised its half year forecast from a loss to a healthy net profit, with reports saying demand for iPhones was helping the company.

Apple's Maps fiasco and the mobile arms race

A sense of vindication has most likely spread throughout the headquarters of Google in Mountain View, Calif., after reports surfaced that Apple's new Maps app contained glaring imperfections, such as removing the Statue of ...

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