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Man gets over 3 years in iPad data breach case (Update)

An admitted online "troll" was sentenced Monday to the maximum prison term under federal guidelines—more than three years—for illegally gaining access to AT&T's servers and stealing more than 100,000 email addresses of ...

'AT&T hacker' gets 41 months in prison

A judge Monday ordered a 41-month prison sentence for a self-described "security research" hacker for breaking into the AT&T online network in a case criticized by digital rights activists.

CBS launches app for watching full episodes

CBS Corp. launched an app for iPhones and iPads that allows viewers to watch full episodes of prime-time TV shows like "NCIS," ''Survivor" and "The Good Wife" on the eighth day after their debut on air.

Android gains as small tablet sales soar

Small tablet computers are marketplace hits, with economically-priced devices powered by Google's Android software taking share from Apple iPads, according to International Data Corporation.

Cardinals tweet goodbyes before conclave lockdown

Cardinals entering the Vatican ahead of a conclave to elect the next pope took to Twitter to say goodbye to their online flock before they are cut off from the outside world.

Google Play celebrates first birthday

Google Play turned a year old and the Android-focused rival to Apple's iTunes celebrated with deals on books, games, music, movies and apps.

Schools shift from textbooks to tablets

(AP)—Schools no longer have to wait for textbook companies to print new editions to get the latest events. In some cases, it's as simple as a teacher hitting "refresh."

Samsung's $1B bill in Apple case reduced by $450M

A federal judge on Friday slashed nearly half of the $1 billion damage award a jury ordered Samsung Electronics to pay Apple Inc. after a high-profile trial over the rights to the design and technology running some of the ... turns heads with 3-D iPad app

Jonathan Coon turned heads Wednesday with iPad software that lets people try on sunglasses by manipulating 3-D images of themselves from the neck up.

Hotels upgrade tech to meet guests' demands

Hotels are adopting new technologies or tapping existing ones to enhance the guest experience and better serve customers in an increasingly mobile age.

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