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This breathalyzer reveals signs of disease (w/ Video)

( -- This invention could give new meaning to the term "bad breath!" It's the Single Breath Disease Diagnostics Breathalyzer, and when you blow into it, you get tested for a biomarker—a sign of disease. As amazing ...

Inventors limber up for Geneva showcase

A ultra-quick sock drier and a device to repel pesky bugs are among about 1,000 inventions being showcased at the 40th International Exhibition of Inventions in Geneva next week.

Giving research a boost with cheaper biochips

An EPFL invention has drastically reduced the cost of producing biochips, which are used to measure glucose and drug levels in the blood and to detect biomolecules and cellular signals. This development could make it possible ...

DARPA chief leaving for Google job

Google on Monday confirmed that Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency chief Regina Dugan is taking a yet-to-be-revealed role at the Internet powerhouse.

Protein libraries in a snap

( -- A Rice University undergraduate will depart with not only a degree but also a possible patent for his invention of an efficient way to create protein libraries, an important component of biomolecular research.

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