Related topics: patients · intervention group · control group

After 50 years, US to return to moon on January 25

More than 50 years after the last Apollo mission, the United States will try once again to land a craft on the moon on January 25, said the head of what could be the first private company to successfully touch down on the ...

Online menus could prompt people to make healthier choices

New research has found even modest interventions, such as encouraging consumers to reflect on their choices before they submit their order, could reduce the emissions associated with the production of their food by more than ...

Unveiling the mechanism of 3D folding in cell sheets

The artist in nature creates wonders of geometric patterns, as can be seen in the wings of Drosophila fruit flies just after emerging from their pupal case, which is known as eclosion. They meticulously fold into stereotypic ...

Study suggests partisan politics could help public health

Partisan politics played a role in exacerbating public health challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic. A new study suggests that partisan politics could also play a role in addressing those challenges—at least when it comes ...

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