Related topics: google

Chill your Netflix habit, climate experts say

Movie nights once required driving to the local video store to rent, rewind and return the latest blockbuster. Now on-demand video content providers offer countless binge-worthy options at the touch of a finger.

Brazil looks to break from US-centric Internet (Update 2)

Brazil plans to divorce itself from the U.S.-centric Internet over Washington's widespread online spying, a move that many experts fear will be a potentially dangerous first step toward fracturing a global network built with ...

Obama defends phone data collection program

President Barack Obama defended sweeping secret surveillance into U.S. phone records and foreigners' Internet use, declaring them a necessary defense against terrorism, and assuring Americans, "Nobody is listening to your ...

Measuring the most complex system ever built

"Few people realize how dependent we have become in such a short time on the most complex technical system ever built by man, the internet. Without it there would be no more cashpoints, no water from the tap and no more food ...

Communities advance when computers speak their language

Citizens in remote rural areas in 11 Asian countries are leaping over language barriers and into the Internet age. They may now access government services online, and submit college applications without making an arduous ...

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