Related topics: google

Disconnection, not teens' screen time, is the problem

While many parents and caregivers believe teens spend too much time on smartphones, video games and social media, a Michigan State University researcher says not to worry about screen time.

How the spread of the internet is changing migration

The spread of the Internet is shaping migration in profound ways. A McGill-led study of over 150 countries links Internet penetration with migration intentions and behaviours, suggesting that digital connectivity plays a ...

Digital inclusion and wellbeing in New Zealand

New research using four large-scale surveys of New Zealanders shows those in social housing and people with disabilities appear to be particularly disadvantaged with respect to internet access.

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Internaut is a common term for a designer, operator, or technically capable professional user of the Internet. Beginning with participants in the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), it gradually expanded to members of the Internet Society (ISoc) and the larger community.

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