Email, Internet remain top workplace tools: study

Americans see email and the Internet as the most important tools for productivity at work, and still prefer landlines over cellphones for the office, a study showed Tuesday.

Internet rights champions call for US patent reform

Internet rights group Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) on Tuesday launched a campaign to reform the US patent system, which it argued has been "weaponized" to attack inventors.

Protest targets US cyber intelligence legislation

Civil liberties groups on Monday launched protests targeting proposed US cyber intelligence law that they fear would let police freely dip into people's private online information.

Mozilla resists request to remove Firefox tool

Mozilla, the non-profit developer of the Firefox Web browser, is holding off on complying with a government request to remove a software tool meant to circumvent federal efforts at curbing Internet piracy.

EU pushes button for next Internet age

Europe geared up on Tuesday for a quantum leap in Internet traffic and a new generation of infrastructure to carry data, announcing the launch of a 600-million-euro research and investment programme.

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