Security firm outlines how attack against Google was pulled off

A Silicon Valley Internet security firm has described for the first time how hackers from China were able to crack Google's defenses, saying the attackers took advantage of a flaw in Microsoft's Web browser to probe deeply ...

France's Orange adds to iPhone 5 release hype

French mobile network operator Orange has broken the secrecy surrounding Apple's new iPhone 5 through a job advert, despite the US firm's ban on its partners referring to the product before its expected Sptember release.

Online pictures of dead birds spur China flu openness

Photos of 10 dead sparrows on a Chinese pavement which went viral on social media and drew a swift official response show how hard covering up a bird flu outbreak would be in the Internet age.

Helping developers create smarter online music-streaming services

If you ever use Spotify, or a similar music-streaming service, there's a good chance your song recommendations, and other personalized features, are powered by novel technology developed and marketed by two MIT alumni entrepreneurs.

Nortel to sell itself off in pieces

(AP) -- Nortel Networks, once a technology giant, has decided to sell itself off in pieces rather than attempt to emerge from bankruptcy as a restructured company.

Google, Facebook condemn online spying

Google chief Larry Page and Facebook co-founder Mark Zuckerberg condemned online spying Friday and called for governments to be more revealing about snooping on the Internet.

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