YouTube Limits Cookie Tracking on White House Website

( -- With the launch of President Obama's White House website, three days ago, there has been extensive use of YouTube videos on the site. As we all know Google now owns YouTube and tracks every visitor that lands ...

Facebook makes privacy pledge in FTC settlement

Government regulators are sharing some alarming information about Facebook: They believe the online social network has often misled its more than 800 million users about the sanctity of their personal information.

Google: EU privacy spat will 'play itself out' (Update)

Eric Schmidt, Google's executive chairman, said Thursday that he respects but disagrees with complaints about his company's privacy policies made by data protection authorities in six European countries.

Obama meets privacy board on spy programs

US President Barack Obama Friday meets members of a privacy watchdog board, finally fully active after years of delays, to discuss a furor over US spy agency Internet and telephone snooping.

Congress weighs landmark change in Web ad privacy

(AP) -- The Web sites we visit, the online links we click, the search queries we conduct, the products we put in virtual shopping carts, the personal details we reveal on social networking pages - all of this can give companies ...

The dangers of surveillance: It's bad, but why?

( —Surveillance is everywhere, from street corner cameras to the subject of books and movies. "We talk a lot about why surveillance is bad, but we don't really know why," says Neil Richards, JD, privacy law expert ...

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