Alibaba, China Mobile announce development partnership

Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba and the country's biggest phone carrier, China Mobile, announced a partnership Wednesday to develop internet-related services as web users migrate to mobile devices.

Internet Archive heads to Canada to be 'safe'

The Internet Archive, which keeps historical records of Web pages, is creating a new backup center in Canada, citing concerns about surveillance following the US presidential election of Donald Trump.

Is US giving away the internet?

Donald Trump's campaign says a government plan to give up managing key operations of the internet poses a threat of outside censorship of online information. But such an outcome is highly unlikely.

UK surveillance law overhaul sparks privacy row

Britain's security services and police would have their right to trawl in bulk for online data boosted under a proposed new law to recast surveillance powers published Tuesday.

Lawmakers say UK's draft online spying law needs changes

The British government is under pressure to amend a contentious Internet surveillance bill after a parliamentary committee said plans to make service providers retain all users' data have not been adequately thought through.

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