Facebook becomes observer at Web freedom group

Facebook has become an official observer at the Global Network Initiative, a non-government organization dedicated to promoting Internet freedom and privacy rights.

Turkish Internet restrictions raise more concerns (Update)

New Internet restrictions approved by parliament are raising concerns the government is trying to control the flow of information amid a corruption scandal, and a senior European official on Thursday called the measures "a ...

Britain warns over state-sponsored cyber attacks

British Foreign Secretary William Hague issued a warning on Wednesday to countries which sponsor cyber attacks, at the close of a global cyberspace conference in London.

Online freedom declines, amid NSA effect

Internet freedom suffered this year as a growing number of countries stepped up efforts to spy on users and censor online postings, a global survey showed Thursday.

China jails 3 online activists; many show support

(AP) -- A Chinese court jailed three people Friday who posted material on the Internet to help an illiterate woman pressure authorities to reinvestigate her daughter's death, one defendant's lawyer said, in a trial that ...

EU Internet czar tweets against SOPA

The European Union's Internet czar on Friday added her voice to resistance to the Stop Online Piracy Act, in an unusually open comment on pending U.S. legislation.

EU refers anti-online piracy pact to court

The European Commission said Wednesday it has asked the EU's highest court to rule on the legality of a controversial treaty covering copyright, counterfeiting and Internet freedom.

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