Chinese police shut down hacker training business

(AP) -- Police in central China have shut down a hacker training operation that openly recruited thousands of members online and provided them with cyberattack lessons and malicious software, state media said Monday.

India won't censor social media: minister

India does not intend to censor online social networks such as Facebook, a minister said Tuesday, but he demanded that they obey the same rules governing the press and other media.

'Bad neighbourhoods' on the internet are a real nuisance

Of the 42,000 Internet Service Providers (ISPs) surveyed, just 20 were found to be responsible for nearly half of all the internet addresses that send spam. That just is one of the striking results of an extensive study by ...

Internet fraud's U.S. price tag put at $550 million

U.S. citizens reported losing more than $550 million in 2009 in Internet fraud, falling prey to a variety of increasingly sophisticated scams, according to a report by the Internet Crime Complaint Center.

Cyber defenders urged to go on the offense

Computer security champions on Wednesday were urged to hunt down and eliminate hackers, spies, terrorists and other online evildoers to prevent devastating Internet Age attacks.

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