Swedish Internet firm to delete user data

Swedish telecom supplier Tele2 said Monday it will delete information allowing their customers to be identified, a move police argue could make the hunt for Internet pirates "impossible."

Bangladesh forms tribunal to try cyber criminals

Bangladesh has formed a fast-track court to try cyber criminals after a spike in crimes involving mobile phones and social networking sites such as Facebook, an official said Thursday.

More Internet predators are challenging agents

(AP) -- Eric Szatkowski is a Wisconsin Justice Department special agent, but on that Sunday afternoon he entered an online chat room as a 14-year-old boy. He claimed he was into weightlifting, AC/DC and muscle magazines. ...

Swedish government to crack down on hackers

The Swedish government said on Thursday it planned to crack down on hackers, at a time when the sex assault allegations against WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has made the country a target of repeated cyber attacks.

Salesman: Hackers use Chinese company's servers

(AP) -- A Chinese man cited by a U.S. security firm as being linked to cyberspying on Western oil companies said Friday his company rents server space to hundreds of hackers.

Email scam nets $214 mn in 14 months: FBI

An email scam which targets businesses with bogus invoices has netted more than $214 million from victims in 45 countries in just over one year, an FBI task force said Thursday.

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