Democrats hope net neutrality issue will win votes this fall

Senate Democrats, joined by three Republicans, pushed through a measure intended to revive Obama-era internet rules that ensured equal treatment for all web traffic, though opposition in the House and the White House seems ...

Some facts about net neutrality

The Federal Communications Commission has taken the first step toward adopting new regulations that could create fast lanes for Internet traffic from websites that can afford to pay for the privilege.

Judge sides with government in lawsuit over surveillance

A federal judge on Tuesday sided with the government in a lawsuit alleging the National Security Agency is illegally engaging in the bulk collection of Internet and telephone records in the hunt for potential terrorists.

UK gov't told to rethink data surveillance plan

(AP)—British lawmakers on Tuesday demanded the government water down plans to keep track of phone calls, email and Internet activity—a bill critics dub a "snooper's charter."

Researchers establishing security standards for the internet

( -- Dartmouth researchers who were pioneers in Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) - a system that secures and authenticates computer communications - are now playing leading roles establishing Internet standards ...

High-speed Internet on its way to more schools

The Federal Communications Commission agreed Thursday to dramatically boost spending to bring high-speed Internet access to schools and libraries in poor or rural areas, a move that would likely increase Americans' phone ...

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